Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Using Google Form for lunch count is a great starting point!

So here it is!  The year I have known was coming for quite some time.   Our school corporation has gone 1 to 1 technology.  Being passionate about technology integration, I, for one, am excited at the possibilities.  But if I'm taking a moment to be honest, I'm also overwhelmed by the seemingly infinite directions one could go with technology and, frankly, the biggest question of all is, "Where do I start?"

This question can quickly become a double-edged sword because a great starting point must not just be a safe place for me, but must also be a safe place for my students.  Just because I may fully understand a specific tool and thus it lies in my comfort zone doesn't mean the same may be said for my students.  

The solution, or at very minimum A solution, for me was found in part of our daily routine . . . our lunch count.  First, before I go any further I must give a shout out to Andy Wallace (@MrAWallace) for doing an incredible job leading his eLead2016 conference session which challenged my thinking of what can and cannot be done with Google Forms.  

In using Google Forms to gather my lunch count, I was able to create a routine for the students using technology as well as save me the time of totaling up all the check-marks in the tiny columns of the old lunch count sheet.  

Yes, I know this doesn't go deep into the SAMR model and isn't a model of students using tools to create earth shattering projects.  However, as the title of the blog suggests, it is a great starting point.  

The form I created is a two question form.  The first is a short answer type of question (need more info on how to create questions?  Click here.) and is where they submit their name.  The second question is a multiple choice question for them to choose their preference for the day.  That's it!  When done the students hit submit.  

Once all of the forms are submitted, I look at the responses on the form.  One may look at individual responses if one desires or need to do so.  Fortunately, in my school corporation they are interested in the totals.  This allows me to just use the SUMMARY option on the responses tab.  By hovering my mouse over the pie chart, I get the totals I need and can move on with my day.  ONE LAST THING, if you choose to use this method, once you have submitted your totals to the cafeteria, be sure to clear all responses so it's reset for the next day (see a quick video on how to delete responses here.